“What if” – a poem by Lillian Nader

I was so inspired by author Lillian Nader’s “What if” poem, I want to share it here. But before I do, please visit Lillian’s website at https://lilliannader.com/ and delve into even more of her inspirational poetry at https://lilliannader.com/poems/spiritual-poems/.

More about Ms Nader and her most recent released science fiction novel for young readers follows the poem.

Ms Nader wrote this poem in 2014, inspired by #JacobNordby, #BlessedAretheWeird,#CreativeBootcamp:

What If?

What if there were no Contrast,

No night or day, but only grey?

What if no one had a claim to fame,

And there was no one to blame or shame?

What if there were no strife or conflict;

Would that be the end of wars?

What if life was filled with Joy?

Would we appreciate laughter

If there were no tears of sorrow?

What if the oyster had no pain or cause

To create the pearl?

Would the pearl cease to be?

What if the artist had no challenge to meet–

Would all art be the same?

What if all people were the same?

Would life as we know it be lame?

What if I knew my purpose for this lifetime?

What if we all had the same purpose:

To love one another?

What if our love for each other was the same love

Manifested in as many ways as there are

Personalities in this world?

What if on any given day,

We all awoke from our slumber to live and love

To the fullest outreach of our inner beings?

What if we dared to love ourselves

As we loved our lovers?

What if we dared to love without a reason

For love other than to love for no reason?

What if there were no change of season?

What if there were no night or day,

But only grey?

What if?

Lillian Nader

But don’t stop there! Check out Lillian’s newly released book, Theep and Thorpe: Adventures in Space, a science fiction novel for young readers about a teenage boy who makes contact with enlightened space beings. Available on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Theep-Thorpe-Adventures-Lillian-Nader/dp/1530107199.

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