Shout-out for our latest book!

Dewdrops Ride on the Wind—an Anthology is an eclectic collection of poetry and short stories depicting historical, fictional, and current related topics. Each piece offers insight into the experiences or creative imaginings of the author.

The prose may ignite laughter and spark conversation, while other thought-provoking stories will evoke strong emotions or surprise. The authors take the reader on a journey of struggle, liberty, hope, life and its dilemmas, triumphs, near death, the power of faith, science fantasy, and much more. The short stories are for those who enjoy brief reads at a given time, and easy to pick up from your coffee table or on the night stand.

In poetry, the readers will find themselves embedded in the spaces of social injustice, of failed remembrance of things past, nature as a reflection, racism, rewriting history, love, hate, survival, and empowerment. Some poetry may rocket the reader out of their comfort zone.

The book is filled with poignant photos and images, fun facts, and the melody of words.

10/12/19 Indie Author Day

My second Indie Author Day participation – this time with my documented memoir, Badge of Color, Breaking the Silence (Book One)! Again, I was honored to be a part of such a distinguished group of SoCal authors…and to top it off…I was surprised with a family unknown to me up to this time!

CSUF End-of-Semester Surprise – May 9, 2019

Never have I had such a warm welcome from so many. Professor Sharon Sekhon and her students invited me to attend their end-of-semester celebration. Daniel Lynem and I fielded questions from the students, gorged ourselves with pizza and other goodies.

The History-class students had been privy to my Badge of Color-Breaking the Silence manuscript as a school project. To my astonishment I received the most wonderful gift(s) from the students – their assignment? To respond to my memoir in written and/or visual format their take-away from the history of Santa Ana’s first black police officer. I received letters, poems, and artwork to cherish–too numerous to share here (although as soon as I learn how to thumbnail the photos, I will add them to this post!). However! One post was so personal and beautiful it is on pages 332-333 of my memoir: Rainbow Protector by Isabella Beltran.

“Whose History Is It Anyway?”

October 24, 2019 Professor Sharon Sekhon speaks at the National Society for Minorities Honors Conference at CSUF, Pollak Library. With Sharon Sekhon I will discuss the multiracial history of Orange County, specifically as it relates to Santa Ana. Detective Jason O’Brien, LAPD, and I field questions from the audience.